Restoration of Cabinets
The restoration activities are carried out with the utmost respect for the original nature of the gaming machines: the spirit of the Arcade Cabinet is restored paying the utmost attention to detail, carefully and patiently erasing the signs of use and time.
Coin-operated games, pinball machines, jukeboxes, video arcade videogames and slot machines, are fully restored and brought back to their authentic beauty, no matter if they are made of wood, steel, fiberglass or any other material.
The value of the restoration
An Arcade Cabinet made by the hands of the artisans of “La Clinica” is the perfect answer to the trends of contemporary society, which is looking for used or restored vintage pieces, a research aimed to rediscover the great emotion of the past both in public and private contexts.
Are you passionate about Vintage machines?
We are at your complete disposal for any inquiries regarding new and restored vintage and Coin – Op machines.